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Manga, Nehellenia

Japanese Name: 女王メヘレニア
Japanese Name Romanization: Joou Neherenia
Japanese Name: Queen Nehellenia
English Name: Queen Nehellenia
Other Spellings:Neherenia, Nehelenia, Nepherenia
Name Origin: Nehellenia (also Nehelenia and Nehalennia) comes from the Teutonic (Germanic-Celtic) goddess "Nehalennia" who controlled navigation and ships. She was worship around Domburg/Walcheren. "Nehalennia" is thought to be a variant of the Norse goddess "Hel" who is the ruler of "Helheim" (land of the dead, from which Christians get "Hell").
Color: Black
Hair: Black, w/ Purple highlights
Eyes: Grayish-yellow
Likes: Her looks
Fears & Weaknesses: Becoming ugly and sympathetic eyes.
Dreams: To always be beautiful. She later discovers that her true dream is to by surrounded be friends, and never to be lonely ever again.
Other: Nehellenia's mission is to find the Golden Crystal that the Priest Helios has, so she can take over the world. She comes from the Dead Moon, and is very angry. She cannot stand people looking at her with sympathy, and inside she is really lonely.
History: Nehellenia first appears in SuperS, and is last seen in Stars. She was the ruler of her kingdom (the Dead Moon) since she was little. She was a very beautiful ruler, and the people of her kingdom were very devoted to her and her beauty. Her job was stressful and lonely, and soon the only friend she had was her own reflection. She came to believe that she had to continue being beautiful, or else she would lose the people of her kingdom, and her one friend (her own reflection).
        One day she asked her mirror what she would look like when she was older, disgusted with the image it showed her (an old ugly women, similar to Zirconia) she decided that she could never let that happen. She found out that if she took people's Dream Mirrors (their pure dreams) she could stay young. She stole all the Dream Mirrors from the people of her court, turning them into odd looking creatures called Lemures. Once the Dream Mirrors in her Kingdom ran out, she went in search of new ones. She became jealous of the people of the Moon Kingdom and Earth and was sealed away by Serenity. Then, in the future, a rare Eclipse of the Sun allowed her to invade the Earth with her followers, the Dead Moon Circus. Once on Earth, she began stealing Dream Mirrors in search of Pegasus. [Her goal was to steal the Golden Crystal from Pegasus, so she could rule the world].
        At the end of SuperS, to avoid being destroyed by SailorMoon she threw ChibiMoon over the edge of a cliff, causing SailorMoon to jump after ChibiMoon to rescue her. She sealed herself away in the mirror and was not seen again until SailorStars (Season 5).
Stars: In the Stars series, Nehellenia is re-awoken by Galaxia. Galaxia tells her that SailorMoon is still alive and convinces her to take revenge. Nehellenia does just that (during the very short Nehellenia Ark of Stars). She extracts her own Dream Mirror, which was made black by her evil, and smashes it into small pieces which float down to Earth. The shards land in people's eyes (including Mamoru's) and make their victim become vain and cruel, wanting to constantly look at their reflection. She also sends out the miraa pare dorii or the Mirror Palais Dolly(ies) ["Mirror Paredory"], that look very similar to her, and they attack people.
        At the end of the Nehellenia ark, the Sailor Senshi are in Nehellenia's world. All the Senshi except SailorMoon have been captured by Nehellenia. SailorMoon offers to sacrifice herself to Nehellenia, if she will set the Senshi free. Nehellenia cannot kill any of them in the end, because she cannot stand their sympathetic eyes.
        The Senshi then learn Nehellenia's story, and SailorMoon grants Nehellenia's wish, returning her to her kingdom, and allowing her to start over from when she was a child. The last we see of Nehellenia is her waking up in her kingdom, as a child and is told she has been dreaming. She then asks if someone will tell her a story and walks off, to live her life over again, surrounded by friends.

Anime, Nehellenia

~*~ Name Origin information from: Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia Mythica, and Dies Gaudii.